Warp Warp (Rock-Ola set 2)

Multidirectional shooter arcade game Warp Warp was released by Namco in 1981 and produced and sold in the US under the name Warp Warp by Rock-Ola Manufacturing Corporation. Later, the game was ported to the MSX and Sord M5. A follow-up game called Warpman, which had more enemy kinds, abilities, and better visuals and sound, was released for the Family Computer in 1985. Later, a port of this game was made for the Nintendo Switch's Namcot Collection.
In "Space World," the player must command a "Monster Fighter" who must shoot the satirical aliens known as "Berobero" without allowing them to contact him. He can kill a strange extraterrestrial for bonus points if he eliminates three Beroberos of the same hue in a succession. The Monster Fighter can travel to "Maze World," where Berobero must be slain with a bomb delay, when the Warp Zone in the center of the screen flashes in the Japanese version or when the English text "WARP" is displayed there. The amount of time the player holds the button down determines how long the delay lasts; nevertheless, every time he kills one, his bomb gets stronger, making it simpler for Monster Fighter to detonate his own explosives until he returns to the Space World.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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