Ace of Aces (USA)
Ace of Aces is a unique book-based combat simulation game that simulates aerial dogfights between World War I fighter planes. Here's how to play:
1. Setup:
- The game is played with two players, each with their own book.
- One player is the Allied pilot, the other the German pilot.
2. Book Structure:
- Each book contains hundreds of illustrated pages showing the view from the cockpit.
- Every page has a unique number and several maneuver options.
3. Starting the Game:
- Both players start on the same page number, typically page 1.
4. Gameplay:
- Each turn, both players secretly choose a maneuver from the options on their current page.
- Players then reveal their choices and cross-reference their maneuvers.
- This cross-reference tells each player which new page to turn to.
5. New Positions:
- The new pages represent the new positions of the planes relative to each other after executing the chosen maneuvers.
6. Combat:
- Some pages offer combat opportunities. If a player has the enemy in their sights, they can choose to fire.
- Damage is tracked, and a certain number of hits will defeat an opponent.
7. Winning:
- The game ends when one player accumulates enough hits to shoot down the opponent's plane.
8. Advanced Rules:
- Some versions include additional rules for things like ammunition management, fuel consumption, or mission objectives.
9. Variants:
- There are different versions of Ace of Aces featuring various aircraft from different eras.
The game's unique mechanic allows for a surprisingly deep simulation of aerial combat without requiring complex rules or a physical game board. It's known for its accessibility and the sense of actually piloting a plane in a dogfight.
Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.