Duck Hunt (World)
In the first-person shooter game Duck Hunt, players fire the NES Zapper light pistol at a CRT television screen while aiming at moving on-screen targets. Once the game mode has been chosen, one or two targets will emerge. The player has three chances to hit them before they vanish. Ten targets are total during each round.
In order to move on to the following round, the player must hit a minimum number of targets; else, the game is finished. The challenge increases as the minimal number of quicker targets increases. Each target scored by the player earns them points, with extra points awarded for hitting all ten targets in a round. Every session, the highest scores are monitored.
There are three alternative game types in Duck Hunt. Flying ducks are the targets in Games A and B, and clay pigeons that are thrown into the distance are the targets in Game C. One duck appears at a time in Game A, and two ducks emerge in Game B. With a NES controller, a second player can operate the flying ducks in Game A. After finishing Game A's Round 99, you go on to Round 0, a kill screen where the game acts strangely—for example, randomly selecting targets or not at all—and your progress is terminated.
Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.