Silent Hill
In order to find his missing daughter Cheryl, the player must lead the protagonist and player character Harry Mason through a town full with monsters. The gameplay of Silent Hill consists of fighting, exploring, and solving puzzles. The game is played from a third-person point of view, however there are pre-programmed portions where the camera occasionally switches to different viewpoints for dramatic effect. Compared to previous survival horror games, which continuously switched between pre-rendered backgrounds and various camera perspectives, this is a difference. Harry's "health" can only be checked via a separate menu, as Silent Hill lacks a heads-up display.
How to play
1. Choose your platform: Silent Hill games are available on various consoles including PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.
2. Select a game: There are multiple titles in the series. The original Silent Hill (1999) is a good starting point, but later games like Silent Hill 2 or 3 are also popular choices.
3. Familiarize yourself with controls: Each game may have slightly different controls, but typically you'll use analog sticks for movement and camera control, and various buttons for actions, inventory management, and combat.
4. Explore the environment: Silent Hill games focus heavily on exploration. Search areas thoroughly for items, clues, and story elements.
5. Solve puzzles: The series is known for its puzzles. Pay attention to your surroundings and collected items to solve them.
6. Manage resources: Ammunition and health items are often scarce. Use them wisely.
7. Combat enemies: You'll encounter various monsters. Combat is usually not the focus, so sometimes avoiding enemies is a valid strategy.
8. Follow the story: Pay attention to the narrative, as the psychological horror and complex storytelling are key elements of the Silent Hill experience.
9. Use your flashlight and radio: These are crucial tools. The flashlight helps you see in dark areas, while the radio emits static when enemies are near.
10. Multiple endings: Many Silent Hill games have multiple endings based on your actions, encouraging replay.
Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.