007 - GoldenEye (USA)


007 - GoldenEye (USA) for the Nintendo 64 is a classic first-person shooter based on the James Bond film.

How to play

1. Controls:
- Analog stick: Move
- C-buttons: Look up/down, strafe left/right
- A button: Fire weapon
- B button: Reload/interact with objects
- Z-trigger: Aim/zoom
- R button: Crouch

2. Game modes:
- Single player campaign
- Multiplayer (up to 4 players)

3. Campaign:
- Complete missions with specific objectives
- Difficulty levels affect objectives and enemy toughness

4. Weapons:
- Various guns, explosives, and gadgets
- Some missions require specific gadgets

5. Stealth:
- Avoid alerting enemies when possible
- Use silenced weapons for stealth kills

6. Aiming:
- Auto-aim assists when firing from the hip
- Manual aim for precision by holding Z-trigger

7. Health and Armor:
- Body armor absorbs damage
- Health doesn't regenerate; find body armor pickups

8. Multiplayer:
- Choose characters, weapons, and stages
- Various game modes like "You Only Live Twice" or "The Living Daylights"

9. Cheats:
- Unlock cheats by completing missions quickly

10. Learn the maps:
- Knowing level layouts is crucial for both campaign and multiplayer

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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