
Acrojet is a flight simulation video game developed by MicroProse and released in 1985 for various home computer platforms.


Here's a general guide on how to play:


1. Game Concept:
- You pilot a BD-5J microjet, a small, high-performance jet aircraft.
- The game combines elements of flight simulation and aerial acrobatics.

2. Controls:
- Familiarize yourself with the flight controls, which typically include pitch (up/down), roll (left/right), and throttle.
- Exact controls depend on the platform you're playing on (e.g., joystick, keyboard).

3. Game Modes:
- Practice Mode: Allows you to get familiar with the aircraft's handling.
- Competition Mode: Participate in aerobatic competitions.

4. Aerobatic Maneuvers:
- Learn to perform various aerobatic maneuvers like loops, rolls, and Immelmann turns.
- Each maneuver has specific criteria for execution and scoring.

5. Competitions:
- In competition mode, you perform a series of prescribed maneuvers.
- Your performance is judged based on accuracy and precision.

6. Scoring:
- Points are awarded based on how well you execute each maneuver.
- Penalties may be applied for deviations from the ideal flight path.

7. Weather Conditions:
- The game may include varying weather conditions that affect flight characteristics.

8. Fuel Management:
- Keep an eye on your fuel levels, especially during longer routines.

9. Difficulty Levels:
- As you improve, you can increase the difficulty for more challenging gameplay.

10. Goal:
- Aim to achieve the highest possible score in competitions by perfecting your aerobatic routines.

Remember, as this is an older game, the exact details may vary depending on the specific version or platform you're using. The key to success in Acrojet is mastering the precise control of your aircraft to perform complex maneuvers accurately.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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