Alien 3 (Japan)


Alien 3 is an action-platformer game released for various platforms in the early 1990s, based on the movie of the same name. The gameplay can vary slightly depending on the platform.

How to play

1. Character: You play as Ellen Ripley, the protagonist from the Alien films.

2. Gameplay:
- It's primarily a side-scrolling action game with platforming elements.
- Your goal is to navigate through levels, rescuing prisoners and eliminating aliens.

3. Controls:
- D-pad: Move Ripley left and right
- Jump button: Make Ripley jump
- Attack button: Use your current weapon

4. Weapons:
- You start with a basic weapon (usually a pulse rifle)
- Collect other weapons like flamethrowers, grenade launchers, etc.
- Ammunition is limited, so use weapons wisely

5. Health:
- Ripley has a health bar that depletes when taking damage
- Collect medical kits to restore health

6. Objectives:
- Each level typically has specific objectives, often involving rescuing prisoners
- Use your motion tracker to locate prisoners and aliens

7. Aliens:
- Face various types of aliens, including facehuggers and full-grown xenomorphs
- Learn their movement patterns to effectively combat them

8. Level Design:
- Navigate through maze-like levels representing the prison facility
- Some versions include elevator sections and more varied environments

9. Time Limit:
- Many versions of the game include a time limit for each level
- Complete objectives before time runs out

10. Lives and Continues:
- You typically have a limited number of lives
- Game over occurs when all lives are lost

11. Platform-Specific Features:
- Some versions (like the SNES) have a password system for saving progress
- The Mega Drive/Genesis version is known for being particularly challenging

Alien 3 is generally known for its difficulty and atmosphere that tries to capture the tension of the film. The exact gameplay can vary significantly between different platform versions, with some being more action-oriented and others focusing more on exploration and strategy.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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