Duck Clicker

Your objective is to pet the duck and adorn it with the most stylish attire. Click on the duck located at the centre of the screen to acquire Ducket$. Your earnings are displayed at the top of the screen in Duck Clicker. Immediately beneath it, two values are displayed: Duck Power represents the quantity of Ducket$ earned each click, while the Autoducker indicates the amount of Ducket$ earned automatically.

How to play Duck Clicker

In the bottom left corner, the many clothing types available for your duck are displayed. Select any of the four icons to review your unlocked items and decide which ones to equip.

The column on the right displays all the enhancements that yield additional Ducket$. Examine the list and select upgrades with a white backdrop. If it is greyed out, you must acquire additional Ducket$ to obtain it. The Settings menu and Achievements can be accessed at the top left of your screen.


Occasionally, yellow duck icons will traverse the screen. Ensure to click on them to receive a bonus!

Is it possible to obtain all milestones and access the Duck Universe?

If you prefer a clicker game focused on the artistry of confections, consider exploring Chill Guy Clicker and Chill Guy Clicker 3D. These games have a comparable format to Duck Clicker, albeit with many modifications and nuances throughout.

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