Mega Man 8
Mega Man 8's gameplay is comparable to that of its predecessors. As Mega Man, the player must finish a variety of stages with side-scrolling action and platforming features. The player has the ability to charge the Mega Buster, run, jump, slide, shoot, swim, and change weapons. In order to find goods that can replenish Mega Man's health and weapon strength, enemies can be destroyed.
Similar to Mega Man 7, after finishing an introductory stage, the player is given four Robot Master stages to accomplish in any order: Tengu Man, Frost Man, Grenade Man, and Clown Man. Each stage ends with a boss encounter against a Robot Master; if the player wins, they receive their Master Weapon.
Since the majority of Robot Masters are vulnerable to either the Mega Buster or one or more Master Weapons, the sequence in which the stages are finished can be strategically chosen. After the first four Robot Masters are destroyed and an interval level is finished, the following four Robot Masters (Aqua Man, Sword Man, Search Man, and Astro Man) become available.
Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.