Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204)

Play retro game Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204) on your browser free.

To play Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204), follow these steps:

1. Find the game: This specific version is likely available on emulators or original arcade hardware.

2. Choose your character: Select from the roster of fighters, each with unique moves and playstyles.

3. Learn the basic controls:
- Joystick/D-pad for movement
- Six attack buttons: Light, Medium, and Heavy Punch and Kick
- Special move inputs (quarter-circle, dragon punch motions, etc.)

4. Understand the Super Arts system:
- Choose one of three Super Arts for your character before the match
- Build your Super Art gauge during the fight
- Activate with specific inputs when the gauge is full

5. Master the parry system:
- Tap forward (or down for low attacks) just before an attack hits
- Successful parries negate damage and create offensive opportunities

6. Learn to use the stun gauge:
- Visible under the health bar
- Fills as you take hits; when full, your character is stunned

7. Practice basic combos and link attacks:
- SFIII introduced a more fluid combo system than its predecessors

8. Understand the juggle system:
- Some moves can keep opponents airborne for extended combos

9. Use throws and tech throws:
- Execute throws with forward or back + strong punch or kick
- Escape throws by inputting a throw as you're being thrown

10. Play through Arcade mode or versus matches to improve your skills.

11. Learn character-specific strategies and matchups.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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