WWF Raw (USA, Europe)

With several contests like singles matches, tag team matches, triple threats, fatal four-way, battle royals, and handicap matches, the game gives players a wrestling experience. The players can also participate in a variety of tournaments, including King of the Ring and contests for various titles. They can design their own persona, outfit, stage set, and entrance. There are two types of grapples in the game: one is done with normal opponents, while the other is done with sleepy opponents. The game contains a weak/strong grapple system. When compared to grapples used on an opponent who is stunned, conventional grapples cause less damage. The momentum of the wrestlers is displayed on a voltage meter. Special attacks, assaults launched into the air, and taunting increase momentum while repeated attacks reduce it. Only after the opponent is stunned and the voltage meter is blinking may finishers be used. Overuse of finishers also slows down the game.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

Category and Tags
game gearsega
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