Stellar Assault (Japan)

Stellar Assault (Japan) is a semi-open 3D space combat simulation game similar to Star Fox and Star Wars Arcade. The player takes on the role of a newly promoted flight officer from a prestigious squadron. Piloting one of the two Feather space fighters, to be exact.
Through six missions that take place in different parts of space, the main goal is to protect Outpost 51 by destroying the alien fleet and their solar-powered laser cannons.
The game has a single-player campaign, but it also has modes for two players to work together. In these modes, one player controls the ship while the AI or another player acts as the gunner.
On the title screen, the player can also access the options menu, which lets them change things like the controls, the level of difficulty, the sound profiles, and other things that change how the game is played. The object viewer options let the player get a closer look at the enemy.

Controls Guide

Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.

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