The story is primarily based on the plot of Frank Herbert's Dune: the protagonist is Paul Atreides, the son of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica Atreides. Emperor Shaddam IV has presented the Atreides with an offer they cannot refuse: to gather spices from the planet Arrakis, which is inhabited by their archrivals, House Harkonnen. Duke Leto accepted the proposition not merely for the money the Spice Trade would bring, but also to battle the Harkonnens.
The game is a combination of real-time strategy and adventure gameplay, as viewed through Paul's eyes. While the strategy component is the game's foundation, the character dialogue and linear plot offer it greater complexity than most strategy games. The player is also required to complete several little objectives that include interacting with characters and visiting locales, adding a touch of adventure game to the experience.
A balance must exist between military mining power and spice. While a powerful military would aid in responding rapidly to the Harkonnen, the game would be lost if Spice was not tapped soon enough to meet the Emperor's demands. Nonetheless, if too much emphasis is placed on spice extraction, the Harkonnen can ambush a sietch and capture all of its men. They can only be saved by releasing the sietch. As the game involves both resource management and military conquest, achieving victory requires a delicate balance between the two.
Dune consists of two interwoven game layers: an adventure layer similar to dungeon crawlers and a top-down strategy layer similar to 4X games. Optionally, players can swap between these two classes to undertake whole distinct sets of actions required to win the game.
Use arrow key and try some key ( Shift, Enter, Z, X, A, S , Q, E, R, T, G, F, H ) to controls the game.